Neuro20 PRO System is the first Whole-Body Electro Muscle Stimulator (WB-EMS) wearable system designed for individual or group rehabilitation and human performance training, bridging the gap between diagnostics and interventions.
The Neuro20 Smart Suit is a flexible, form-fitting Lycra suit providing electrical muscle stimulation and biosensor information through an IoT remote platform. Twenty stimulating machine washable large electrodes are embedded into the suit, located over large muscles covering motor points to create an involuntary contraction. The electrodes activate the arms, chest, trunk, hip, and thigh muscles simultaneously, independently, or in a sequenced pattern. The electrode sizes and shape are constructed respective to muscle contour and are anti-microbial/anti-bacterial.
The CPU sends user information to the Neuro20 software via Bluetooth. Based on software analysis, the CPU processes the information to deliver the optimal wave forms, frequency ranges, timing patterns and stimulation intensities to the Smart Suit. This communication cycle is ongoing throughout the training and recovery session. The CPU is constructed with high quality PCP boards and materials and is a low profile, lightweight quick-connect reinforced attachment to the suit.
The CPU generates electrical stimulation to the muscles. It applies low and mid-range frequency to activate motor nerves. The process bypasses the voluntary muscle circuit and produces computer-controlled muscle activity. Stimulation can produce a spectrum from a gentle, minimal twitch to a powerful sustained contraction. When combined with an overriding voluntary movement, the induced contractions create an enhanced outcome.
The Software controls the pre-programmed underlying stimulation output parameters. The intensity and duration of the contraction, and the rest periods between contractions are controlled by either a clinician or the individual user through an easily operated software installed on a tablet or phone. Presently, the operating system controls the suit remotely via Bluetooth over a 100-meter range.
Real time sensory input includes continuous heart rate (HR) monitoring and HR variability (HRV) which can be displayed and quickly analyzed. The controlling software can isolate individual muscles, muscle groups, or recruit all muscle groups simultaneously, either for a single user, or up to ten users at a time, with specific output parameters adjusted for each.
The clinician sets each patient’s specific program and can customize the programs as desired given their abilities and goals. The clinician may adjust power (intensity) levels for each muscle group and can set the ramp up to “Slow”, “Medium”, “Fast” or “None” to regulate the speed at which the wave form reaches peak amplitude, thereby modulating the muscle contraction sensation by the patient. The clinician also sets the controls for the duration of the contractions and rest between contractions (fatigue resistance), thereby controlling the effort and workload of each patient.
Each program is designed to apply specific wave forms penetrating large and small muscles throughout the full range of motion during exercise. The programs engage more muscle fiber, both Type 1 and Type 2, thereby maximizing muscle “effort”.
The software captures pertinent data for both live interactive response and is stored securely for review (HIPPA/GDPR) and can be utilized for patient monitoring (insurance compliance).
Key Features

Multiple Customizable Programs

Whole Body or Individual Muscle Intervention

Whole Body or Individual Muscle Intervention

Training Summary Reports

Easy to Operate Interface

Technical & Customer Service Support

Data Capturing